IEEE P1904.1 Working Group
Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON)
Notices & Announcements
Next P1904.1 WG F2F meeting will take place in Louisville, Colorado on June 23-25, 2014. Meeting registration deadline is June 1st.
SIEPON/BBF Joint Workshop will take place in Louisville, Colorado on June 26, 2014. Workshop registration deadline is June 1st.
Agenda for March 6, 2014 teleconference is posted.
March 2014 meeting minutes are posted. Please review.
Upcoming deadlines for Conf/D3.0 Initial Sponsor Ballot:
- Tuesday, April 1, 2014
— D3.0 Sponsor Ballot opens
[Access Draft D3.0] 
- Monday, May 5, 2014
— D3.0 Sponsor Ballot closes
- Monday, May 26, 2014
— Editor's proposed responses are due
- June 23-25, 2014
— Ballot resolution meeting [Meeting information]
IEEE Std 1904.1™-2013 was approved by IEEE SASB on June 14, 2013.
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: All companies are invited to join the IEEE P1904.1 Working Group. IEEE Corporate Membership is required to participate in this project.
- Review the IEEE Corporate membership information
- Online Registration for New Applicants
- Existing Members wishing to upgrade from basic membership to advanced membership should contact Patricia Sulzer, p.sulzer@ieee.org, PH: 732-562-6381
Purpose of the Standard |
To build upon the IEEE 802.3ah (1G-EPON) and IEEE 802.3av (10G-EPON) Physical layer and Data Link layer standards and create a system-level and network-level standard, thus allowing full “plug-and-play” interoperability of the transport, service, and control planes in a multi-vendor environment. |
Scope of the Standard |
This standard describes the system-level requirements needed to ensure service-level, multi-vendor interoperability of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) equipment. The specifications complement the existing IEEE Std. 802.3 and IEEE Std. 802.1 standards which ensure the interoperability at the Physical layer and Data Link layer. Specifically included in the proposed work are:
- EPON system-level interoperability specifications covering equipment functionality, traffic engineering, and service-level QoS/CoS mechanisms;
- Management specifications covering: equipment management, service management, and power utilization.
Participating Entities |