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[1904.2 TF] Announcing 1904 WG meeting in May (teleconference)

Dear Colleagues,

The Doodle poll is closed now. The only slot selected by all the respondents is Thursday, May 4th, 8AM Pacific Time.
That will be the day and time of our call.

The detailed agenda will be posted later, but here is what we need to discuss:

1) The need to continue the 1904.2 project. Assuming there is a will to bring it to completion, we need to further discuss the following:
2) Project scope - review and discuss whether any modifications are required
3) Select the TF leadership team (Chair, [Vice Chair], Editor)
4) Review and approve new timeline
5) Work plan and action items

I expect the conference call to last approximately 1 hour.
If anyone wants to bring any other items to the agenda, please let me know. The agenda shall be posted not later than 7 days before the meeting, correspondingly, the deadline to request agenda time is set to Wednesday, April 26, 2017.
Thank you,

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Glen Kramer <glen.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

It is time for us to re-evaluate our progress with the 1904.2 standard and decide on its fate.
I am going to schedule a conference call. This will be considered a full WG meeting for the purposes of attendance tracking and voting.

The link below will take you to a Doodle poll to determine the most convenient time slot. Please, reply by the end of this week, since the 1904.1 P&P requires meeting announcement to be given at least 30 days before the meeting.
