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Re: [1904.2 TF] Suggestions for naming the 1904.2 technology

Hi Marek,


Thank you for feedback. This is the only feedback I received so far. I hope others are also working on some ideas.


Please, see my comments below.




From: mxhajduczenia@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:mxhajduczenia@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:45 PM
To: 'Glen Kramer' <000006d1020766de-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; stds-1904-2-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Suggestions for naming the 1904.2 technology


Here are a few that come to mind, and that do not use “virtualized” or “virtual” 😊

[GK: ] I’ve been back and forth on this since the call yesterday. On the call, I thought I agreed with you that “virtualized” or “virtual” is not the right term for this technology. But then I realized that 1904.2 provides a “Virtual link” to a pair of remote stations (or protocol entities), such that these protocol entities “believe” that they are connected by a direct P2P link. This is similar to how Virtual LAN (VLAN) architecture makes various stations believe that they are connected to separate LANs. 


I am not sure what the subtlety is in “Virtualized” vs “Virtual”. But “link” is more accurate, because per 802 definitions, it is a single hop, while a “connection” can be multi-hop.


-          Layer 2 Relay (L2R)

-          Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)

-          Layer 2 Connection Trunk (L2CT)

-          Control Private Network (CPN)


[GK: ] I think the first two are problematic for us. Us picking such name would be a huge red flag for 802.1. L2 Relay is exactly what they do and the L2 Forwarding is the process they define to support L2 Relay.  Besides, 1904.2 doesn’t define anything related to L2 Relay. Yes, we rely on L2 Relay capabilities in intermediate switches and bridges to carry our tunnels, but these capabilities are as defined in 802.1. We do not touch them.


I do not think we also should put control and / or management in the title, since at the end of the day, what we design does not care whether protocol we encapsulate are used for control or something altogether else.

[GK: ] True, we don’t care what we carry. But the proposed title is not “Virtualized connections *for* control and management”  The title is “Virtualized connection control and management”, which means control and management of virtualized connections.

In other words, we define (1) mechanisms that control virtualized connections (this includes the behavior of all the tunnel entrance and exit rules, i.e., traffic classification and modification within 1904.2 sublayer) and (2) mechanisms that manage virtualized connections (this includes methods to add/delete/modify rules, query rules, and collect and query various other statistics, such as counts of frames matched per rule, count of frames/bytes received and sent through 1904.2 sublayer, etc.).


So, I am still supporting “control and management” But maybe “virtual links” instead of “virtualized connections”


How about the following PAR title?

“Standard for Control and Management of Virtual Links in Ethernet-Based Subscriber Access Networks”


I also suggest that in the standard document we don’t need to use “Management” in the name of 1904.2 sublayer (that is because every L2 sublayer has associated management attributes, but we don’t add management to every sublayer name.)

So, we can call out sublayer “Virtual Link Control (VLC) sublayer” and everything 1904.2-specific will use “VLC” qualifier (VLCPDU, VLC tunnel, etc.).




From: stds-1904-2-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <stds-1904-2-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Glen Kramer
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 7:09 PM
To: stds-1904-2-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Suggestions for naming the 1904.2 technology




This is a reminder to send your suggestions for what we should call the technology we are covering in 1904.2. For the background of this discussion, please see


Please, reply to me directly and I will collate all the suggestions for tomorrow’s discussion.




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