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[1904.2 TF] Results of reaffirmation ballot and draft D0.8

Dear Colleagues,


The reaffirmation ballot on Motions #6 and #7 has closed on Friday, July 17th with 91% response rate (10/11) and 100% approval ratio for each motion. Correspondingly, D0.8 has been produced and is published at


Please, use the clean version (tf2_D0_8_clean.pdf) as a reference for comments and contributions. A marked-up version is posted to highlight the changes made after the D0.7.

Thank you,




From: Glen Kramer [mailto:glen.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2020 2:58 PM
To: 'STDS-1904-WG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <STDS-1904-WG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'zzhou' <zzhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: June meeting report and start of electronic ballot


Dear Colleagues,


The unapproved minutes of the June 2020 meeting are posted at

We were not able to complete our entire agenda, specifically the item 9 (1904.4 project organization, timeline, and action items) was not discussed. We will address it at our next WG meeting.


We have adopted a text of a new subclause describing the OAM loopback procedure and we passed a motion to produce the next draft D0.8. Unfortunately, on the second day of the meeting, when these motions were brought up, we were one member short of having a quorum. Therefore according to the section 6.1 of our Policies and Procedures we will conduct a reaffirmation vote by electronic ballot.

The ballot period opens immediately and will close on July 17th, or sooner if all WG voting members  submit their ballots earlier.  I encourage everyone to vote as early as possible, so that we can produce draft D0.8 and work on it for the next TF2 call. 


There are two motions requiring reaffirmation:


Motion #6:

Accept contribution tf2_2006_kramer_2.pdf to be included as a subclause 7.2.n and increment existing clause 7 and higher.

   Moved: Glen Kramer

   Seconded: Pradeep Kondamuri

   (Technical, Required >= 75%)

   3 yes, 0 no, 0 abstained

   Motion Passed (WG doesnâ??t have a quorum. Motion is subject to WG reaffirmation)


Motion #7:

Produce draft D0.8 by incorporating Motion #6 into draft D0.7.

  Moved: Zhou Zhen

  Seconded: Pradeep Kondamuri

  (Technical, Required >= 75%)

  4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstained

  Motion Passed (WG doesnâ??t have a quorum. Motion is subject to WG reaffirmation)


Please, vote on each motion separately and email your response to our executive secretary Zhou Zhen (zzhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx).




Reaffirmation of Motion #6:


  NO: ___

  ABSTAIN: ___



Reaffirmation of Motion #7:


  NO: ___

  ABSTAIN: ___




Thank you,



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