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Re: [1904.2 TF] DST_ADDR vs VLC_DST_ADDR

All of these are field IDs (of field codes) that identify specific fields. Saying that VLC_DST_ADDR the same as DST_ADDR is an ambiguous statement. Numerically, these field codes are different (0x11 and 0x01 respectively). But these field codes may *sometimes* point to the same field, which I think is what you are pointing out.


VLC_DST_ADDR is always the same as DST_ADDR. But the DST_ADDR is not necessarily the same as the VLC_DST_ADDR.


If we have a VLCPDU with subtype L2_subtype, then that frame has both VLC_DST_ADDR (points to the same field as DST_ADDR) and XPDU_DST_ADDR, which is the first field in the VLCPDU payload.


Even if we get rid of VLC_DST_ADDR, we still will have the same situation that sometimes DST_ADDR and XPDU_DST_ADDR point to the same field (if a frame is not a VLCPDU) and sometimes they point to different fields (in a VLCPDU with L2_subtype).


I donâ??t think that having different field codes pointing to the same field is a problem. We used very similar approach in 1904.1. For example, DA can be C_DA or B_DA, or VLAN0 can point to the same field as S_TAG or C_TAG.


Said that, I wonâ??t be against deleting field codes that are never needed for any of the anticipated VLC use cases.




From: Kevin Noll [mailto:kevin.noll@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 11:20 AM
To: STDS-1904-2-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [1904.2 TF] DST_ADDR vs VLC_DST_ADDR


Can anyone tell me what is the actual difference between DST_ADDR and VLC_DST_ADDR in table 6-1?


It appears to me that in all cases in which VLC_DST_ADDR would exist, it is the same as DST_ADDR. In all cases where DST_ADDR exists, it would be VLC_DST_ADDR if the frame is a VLCPDU and it would be just be DST_ADDR if the frame is not a VLCPDU.



Kevin A. Noll


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