Hi Curtis, Â Following up on your call for volunteers at the last meeting, you ma assign the following action items to me: Â 3 | ULID provisioning | LLID provisioning | Â | 4 | GLID provisioning | LLID provisioning | Â | 5 | Multicast ULID provisioning | LLID provisioning | Â | 6 | Report format and queue length calculation | Granting/Reporting | New behavior: gratuitous reports, dynamic reporting priorities | 15 | LLID and mLLID object types | Management attributes | ONUs are unaware if LLID is unicast or multicast. Combine LLID and mLLID into one ObjectType. See tf4_2102_kramer_1.pdf | 24 | aOnuMulticastLlid | Management attributes | ONU doesnâ??t know whether LLID is multicast or unicast. Just needs to report all provisioned LLID values as (Value, Type, Directionality) | 25 | aOnuPortConfig | Management attributes | Currently, aONUPortCount tells ONU how many UNI ports to enable and how many LLIDs to register. In 802.3ca, LLIDs are directly provisioned by NMS, so no LLID count is needed. The setting and querying of UNI port count can also be done using basic attribute aPhyAdminState (0x07/0x00-25) and basic action acPhyAdminControl (0x09/0x00-05). Do we keep both methods? Should be resolved together with #3 ULID Provisioning | 26 | aQueueConfig | Management attributes | Queues need to be associated with either LLID or UNI. Need to describe what happens to queues when the LLID is deallocated or UNI is disabled. |
  All these items are related to the new way LLIDs are provisioned in .3ca. Iâ??ll take a stab at it, though wonâ??t have it complete all by the upcoming meeting.  Thanks, Glen
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