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RE: IEEE 1904.4 Draft D0.95 is available for review

Dear Colleagues,


The comment submission deadline has now passed. However, I am sure we would consider post-deadline comments.


Thank you,





From: stds-1904-4-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <stds-1904-4-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Curtis Knittle
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 9:38 AM
To: STDS-1904-4-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IEEE 1904.4 Draft D0.95 is available for review




Dear Colleagues,


Draft D0.95 is available at


The comment submission deadline is August 8, 2022.


Comments are to be submitted against the clean version draft_1904_4_D0_95_clean.pdf. The marked-up version draft_1904_4_D0_95_diff.pdf is provided as an aid in your review efforts.


Thank you,






Curtis Knittle

VP Wired Technologies – R&D


desk: +1-303-661-3851

mobile: +1-303-589-6869




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