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RE: 1904.4 Open action items


Your plan sounds reasonable to me.




From: Marek Hajduczenia <mxhaj79@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 2:39 PM
To: Curtis Knittle <C.Knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; stds-1904-4-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 1904.4 Open action items


Good morning, colleagues,

On item #45, which I took upon myself as Ryan's substitute, I have been looking at the way aPHY and aMAU are used in IEEE Std 802.3 and I cannot find any clear reason why we would need to even care about MAU value apart from some of legacy management attributes. Neither the MAU nor the AUI interfaces exist (apart, perhaps as notional entities for the purposes of thinking about layering the interface) in our modern PHYs and everything following Fast Ethernet is built around the MAC and PHY separation, with xMII in the middle. I think it might be one of these cases of having to just do it because of legacy reasons, closing the eyes and moving on

if we have consensus on just getting this done, i am happy to update the relevant table(s) via a comment on D1.2


On 12/14/22 09:07, Curtis Knittle wrote:


Below you will find the current list of assigned and open action items.







Curtis Knittle

VP Wired Technologies – R&D


desk: +1-303-661-3851

mobile: +1-303-589-6869




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