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RE: maintenance process

Thanks Glen,

Looks OK from my point of view with one comment.

I think that there should be an option of negotiation/approval between the committee and the submitter.

·         At the step

·         And also at the last steps after modified/revised:





From: stds-1904-wg@xxxxxxxx [mailto:stds-1904-wg@xxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Glen Kramer
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 3:37 AM
To: STDS-1904-WG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: maintenance process


Dear colleagues,


At the last meeting, I took an action item to revise the maintenance process to decouple handling of maintenance requests and balloting on draft standard.

Attached please, see the proposed maintenance process diagram. Please, let me know if you have any feedback.


Thank you,
