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[1904.2 TF] Action items progress



Below is the list of action items taken at the December meeting (

Please, send me the update on their progress. Also, please submit completed presentations and request the agenda time using the online form at

The submission deadline is January 24th.


If you plan any additional presentations, please let me know and also submit them by the deadline.


Action items:

For Glen

        In UMT layering diagram (Done, except #3)

1.       In OAM Clients and IP Clients show two paths: with and without UMT encapsulation

2.       Remove TR-069 and SNMP clients

3.       Show encapsulation function (need to discuss at the meeting)

        Develop state machines for UMT parser and demultiplexor (done)

        In the architecture example #3 (tf2_1412_kramer_1.pdf), show Management Master in a separate box marked NOC (done)


For Marek

– Informative clause with IP Payload examples (in progress)


For Raz and Marek

– Intro text to describe architecture diagrams in tf2_1412_kramer_1.pdf (in progress)


For Glen:

        show a protocol diagram simplified for EPoC (Done)


For Hesham:

        What will be the impact of MAC sec on UMT (Based on the work that they already did for 802.1Qbb)



Thank you,
