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RE: consensus call

Will do, Glen, thanks.



From: Glen Kramer <glen.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 6:07 PM
To: Curtis Knittle <C.Knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-1904-4-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: consensus call



Thank you for scheduling the call.


As I started to work on my next action item, I realized that we need to align the architecture described in Clause 5 with that of 802.3ca. A lot of material in various later clauses depends on how we describe the architecture. So far, we have accepted the new ONU architecture figure, but the entire clause needs a thorough review.


Could you please add this as an action item. You may assign it to me. I will do that before starting work on Multicast action item.






From: Curtis Knittle <C.Knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 4:10 PM
To: Glen Kramer <glen.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-1904-4-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: consensus call


Hi Glen and all,


I have scheduled a consensus call for next Tuesday, the usual time, 5-7 pm MDT. You should have received the invite.





From: Glen Kramer <glen.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 12:58 PM
To: Curtis Knittle <C.Knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-1904-4-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: consensus call


Hi Curtis,


Could we schedule a consensus call for next Tuesday? I would like to discuss a few alternatives for identifying UNI port instance when we query Service Port types.


This topic was brought up at the last WG meeting and we decided we need to use a consensus call to formulate a proposal.




I will have a few slides to illustrate the three options above.



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