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RE: multicast sub-clause

Good morning, Glen

Great work, as always. I put some comments into the document (see it attached) - I worked off diff version for simplicity. 

Please let me know if there is anything unclear comment-wise. 


-----Original Message-----
From: stds-1904-4-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <stds-1904-4-tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Glen Kramer
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 5:08 PM
To: STDS-1904-4-TF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: multicast sub-clause

Dear Colleagues,

Attached to this email is the proposed sub-clause 7.4 Multicast
Configurations (clean and diff versions). According to our action item
list, this is one of our big-ticket items, though it may be not as
big-tickety as some other stuff, we are yet to address.

I apologize for such late submission. If most people are unable to review
it in time for our meeting this Tuesday, we can carry it forward to the
April meeting. But I hope to at least discuss this proposal at the

If you do review this document ahead of the meeting, please pay particular
attention to several scattered paragraphs that have  yellow highlight. I
am not entirely sure that this material is correct, needed, or described
clearly enough.

The diff version is hard to read. I suggest you review the clean version
and only consult the diff file to see what material is new and what has
been carried over from 1904.1 as is.

Thank you,

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Attachment: tf4_2202_kramer_1_diff MH.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document